Are you protecting yourself online? While sometimes it seems like an impossible task, this talk will give you some basic security hygene topics for protecting your identity. Come see usContinue readingYour Identity Is Showing: Mensa AG 2019
Interested in Exploring Blockchain? Here is a basic 101 introduction. We will be talking about more specific uses for this, including cybersecurity applications like distributed public key infrastructure (DPKI). ComeContinue readingExploring Blockchain: Mensa AG 2019
That time of year is coming quickly where we will need to submit proposals for the Annual Gathering in 2019. Here are the proposals as of now. If we areContinue readingAG 2019 Content Proposals
Security SIG (SecSIG) is here to harmonize your physical and cyber security Feng Shui. To do this, we will be providing you with fun and challenging things to do, potentiallyContinue readingNTM CybeRG 2018