Still think that computer thing is just a fad? Have we got a deal for you. For just $50 you can have your own modern computer, capable of running office applications, surfing the internet and doing fancy things like programming. Seriously, we want to get a computer into everyone’s hands. So much so that we’re going to help you setup your own Raspberry PI. Sounds yummy right? Raspberry PI comes to us from a non-profit foundation in the UK who has the goal of getting modern, cheap and full featured computers into every child’s hands. Fancy, right? So, the deal is we may have a limited number of these to give away, or if you want to guarantee your ability to work through all of our labs, buy yours now on Amazon. Either way, you should walk away with a full-blown computer capable of doing school work, programming, playing some games, surfing the internet and even hooking up wires and stuff to see what it does! The lab will run every day from 9:30 to noon in the SecSIG room. We’ll provide a few monitors, keyboards and mice for the lab space as well as a coach to help you get started. You bring your Raspberry PI and we’ll show you how to make it from a kit, set it up and do crazy projects with it. This is perfect for kids to not kids as there are absolutely no skills required. Just be curious and willing to learn something new. As mentioned, we may have a limited number of these available. If you want to be sure to get one, order yours today from Amazon, or take a trip down to Fry’s, Microcenter, etc. Here are the links of the two parts you’ll need.
Raspberry PI Kit (https://amzn.to/2MyeW9R) Memory Card (https://amzn.to/2P1Xpnb) If you do get a kit from us, it will include everything you need except a keyboard, mouse and monitor. You can use ours while at the village, but will need your own once you leave. Our Red Kit is a Raspberry PI Zero with case, power supply, MicroSD card, USB adapter and all cables. We may have some at the village for $60 each. Our Blue Kit is a Raspberry PI 3 B+ with case, power supply, MicroSD card and all cables. We may have some at the village for $75 each. Here are the Labs that we use in the Village Lab 0 Building Your PI And if you want to know more about the Raspberry PI Foundation, you can check them out here. Raspberry PI Foundation (http://bit.ly/2PAnlYa)